Sunday, November 28, 2010

A little gobble gobble and we are onto December!

Wow! I am amazed that Thanksgiving Break has come and gone!  I hope that everyone had a restful and relaxing few days with family and friends!

I wanted to say Thank You to everyone for making their conference time.  It was a quick 20-30 min, but I had the chance to meet with almost every family either on Monday or Tuesday. I also wanted to say thank you to those families who braved the "First Oregon Snowfall of the Year" to make it to your conference that morning!
I had the chance to chat quit a bit about reading and goals for the rest of the year either academically or socially for each student in my classroom and it definitely helps to know that we are all on the same page and it takes a team to see 1st graders succeed. 

Please let me know if there are any other questions you have or things you want to know because having a good relationship between parents and teachers is another factor of success that I think is very important to have!

Again, thank you, and watch out....we only have 13 days of school for the month of December!! :)

Mrs. Berry

Friday, November 19, 2010

Toy Story 3 Now Showing at Myers Elementary

Mark your Calendars for MOVIE NIGHT Friday, November 19th at 6:30pm

What: Family Movie Night 
Where: Myers Elementary in the Gym
When: Friday, November 19th at 6:30 pm
Movie:  Toy Story 3     
What to do: PTO is asking for a $1 donation for admission - which includes a raffle ticket for various prizes.  Additional raffle tickets may be purchased, as well as tickets for popcorn/drinks (all tickets $1).  All proceeds benefit Myers PTO.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A little party with your Harvest....

We definitely had a good Harvest Party on Friday!  There were lots of things to do and we had LOTS of volunteers to help us enjoy all the fun activities.  Here are some of the highlights!

Pumpkin Bowling and an Apple/Pumpkin Walk...

Making colored pasta pattern necklaces...

Very Pretty!

And we also made our very own pumpkin pie complete with graham cracker crust, pumpkin filling and even whipped cream!!! Yummy!
We even won some great prizes too!  

Thank you to ALL of the volunteers who came and helped us out for the afternoon!! :)  We definitely had a great time!!! 

I hope everyone had a great weekend and you have embraced the month of November because it will be gone before you know it and another BIG THANK YOU AGAIN to all our volunteers!  It was a fun afternoon!!

Mrs. Berry