Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Homework is Coming!!

Starting this Friday, homework will be coming home.  Our homework is a monthly creation that will need to stay with you for the entire month.  At the end of the month when all the activities are completed, it will be your 1st grader's responsibility to return all their homework in the envelope at the end of the month.  There will be a calendar on the front with different activities you can do with your 1st grader on a daily basis or whenever time permits as a family.  We designed this homework to meet the needs of all our busy day-to-day family activities. 

Each day there is an activity that can be done that night or on a night that works for you and your family.  We wanted to include some fun activities that can be done together and also begin to create some good study habits and routines for your student at home.  It is also a great idea to have them in their own space where they know they can work on homework.  This may be at the kitchen table or at a desk somewhere in the house.  It is also a great idea to have them keep their homework in the same space or hang the envelope somewhere visible so it doesn't fade into the background and never becomes a routine.  Also, this calendar of homework was designed to not take longer than 10-15 minutes a day because it is developmentally appropriate for 1st graders to work on homework no longer than 60 minutes a week. 
There will also be some extra Math worksheets that your 1st grader can practice as well as a page of Bonus Activities that can be done in addition to the activities on the calendar.  If these are completed, simply slip them into the envelope and you are good to go!

Don't forget to read, read, and then read some more to your 1st grader at home! This is such a HUGE part of being a successful reader and we have added a little icon of a book to the corner of each day on the homework calendar.  This little book can be colored in after you read together every night. 

Good luck and if you have any questions about any of the homework, please do not hesitate in asking me!  Email me at berry_victoria@salkeiz.k12.or.us or call me at 503.399.3175 and I will get back to you as soon as I can! 

Remember that homework can be fun and if something is too challenging for them, simply skip it and come back to it again another time. 

Thanks and hope everyone is as happy as I am to get rid of this muggy air and get back into Fall!
Mrs. Berry

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